LIVE FROM DC MUSIC SOUND STAGES 7pm , Michie Mee & Family ' On this mic' backed by 'Hardcore' Band , Special Guest Darren Quinn (guitars on Raggadeath , The Day after , MonsterVodooMachine) performing tracks from the NEW Album Bahdgyal's Revenge and Oldies but goodies plus much much MORE!!! Special guest appearances ft. Tonya P & Xentury !!!! #WIN #Donate #Purchase tickets available NOW !!! check out for updates & more details!!! Tickets $10 #purchase #donation #support #contribute #givethanks #HipHop #Reggae #AlilRock&Roll #Dancehall #Music #latebloomer #mee&myband #OG #OCanada #Believe
Michie Mee & Family 'On This Mic' LIVE in Toronto from DC Music Sound Stage
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