TAKIN' IT TO THE STREETS is the ultimate Doobie Brothers tribute show. This incredible concert performance covers all of The Doobie's great hits and an occasional deep track or two with stunning accuracy. You'll hear "Long Train Runnin", "China Grove", "Listen To The Music"' "Takin' It To The Streets", "What A Fool Believes", "Rockin' Down The Highway"' "Minute By Minute", "Black Water" and many more! With amazing vocal skill and top notch musicianship, Takin' It To The Streets brings it night after night, show after show. The Doobie Brothers concert experience doesn't get any better than Takin' It To The Streets! "One of the best tribute concerts we've seen" raves CBS. "The vocals were incredible, the musicianship amazing," states FLORIDA TODAY. "Outstanding - The Doobies would definitely approve," says the KANSAS CITY PITCH.

Takin' It To The Streets Livestream from Jimmy's Jazz & Blues Club
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