I will introduce you all to my life long study of imaginative creatures and how I incorporate them into my creative process and my life. At the core of my creature art is what I call a creature safari in which it is a discovery more than an pursuing an idea. Its the raw mischief that fuels original creativity and the art of creating what is already in you - verses drawing and painting the world outside you. I have daily done this work for a decade and it has been the most rewarding and beneficial adventure I've ever embarked on. It all started just wondering how all these amazing imaginative creatures have inspired - informed - educated and entertained me. - I look forward to a wonderful adventure in this creature creation session - its been a long time coming that I gave a show - a lecture - a artVenture - painted live on this topic......... LETS go ...seee u there.... IPC
November Creature Creation Session - Intro to Creaturology
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