"It’s true. I have and remain fallen. To be able to express it with lyrics and music is sometimes the difficult bit….but this song is my latest attempt at trying to illuminate what it’s like for me…with Susan.
Dan Sturgess spent a few months filming with GN’R on the road in the U.K., Europe, and North America. During this time, Dan really got to know Susan and I….or at least how he saw us through his excellent camera work and editing prowess. I’ve found over the years, that its sometimes a bit awkward to be comfortable when a camera is rolling, but Dan just became somewhat invisible, or at least his camera did, when we’d hang out and travel and do gigs.
This video for the song FALLEN does a pretty great job of getting the gist of how Susan Holmes McKagan and I roll. We have fun, work hard, and every day, we love each other. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did."
All the very best