Electric Darling is a musical force residing in Knoxville, Tennessee. Founding members Cozmo Holloway (The Dirty Guv'nahs) and Kevin Hyfantis (The Dirty Guv'nahs) joined forces with front-woman Sarah Phillips to create Electric Darling’s authentic blend of rock n' roll music. Though these three talented artists come from different backgrounds, they meet at a crossroads to create a truly distinct hybrid of their individual influences. Experiencing several lineup changes with the evolution of the band, they are now joined by Christina Horn on keys, Stirling Walsh on bass guitar, and Shaun Schuetz on drums. Collectively, the band's mission is to create a sound that is specific to each member's playing style, conjuring true authenticity in the music. In just 2 short years Electric Darling has risen to the top of the scene in Knoxville, Tennessee. They've been playing packed out shows in their hometown, as well as digging into the songwriting process to reach further into their brand of rock n roll. Fresh out of the studio, they will be releasing new music in the near future.
Each ticket includes access to a live stream of the show plus access to replay the event until Sunday at 11:59pm ET. Proceeds from the live stream will benefit both the Bijou Theatre and the artist.