Jólagestir Björgvins kveðja með hvelli. Á sviðinu verða alþjóðlegar stjörnur og landslið íslenskra listamanna. Söngvaraúrvalið er ekkert minna en hreinustu dásemdir sem augu hafa litið og eyru hafa heyrt. Og ekki vantar metnaðinn í uppsetninguna því með stjörnuskaranum kemur fram stórsveit, strengjasveit, karlakór og barnakór. Og til að toppa þetta má búast við leynigestum!

The farewell show brings together international stars and Iceland’s finest musical talents. The lineup of singers is nothing less than the purest delights that eyes have seen and ears have heard. No effort has been spared in the production, as this stellar cast will be accompanied by a big band, string orchestra, male choir, children’s choir, and gospel choir. To top it all, we can expect secret guests!

  • Sissel
  • Eivör
  • Svala Björgvins
  • Ásgeir Trausti
  • Helgi Björns
  • Gissur Páll
  • Special guests: Herra Hnetusmjör + Laddi + - HubbaBubba
  • Presenter of the evening: Jóhannes Haukur
  • Host of the evening: Björgvin Halldórsson


  • 20:00 - Jóhannes Haukur backstage from the venue
  • 21:00 – Concert starts
  • 23:30 - End

This will be a celebration like no other. It is a special occasion to come together and experience this unforgettable moment. There will be fun, joy, and festive spirit in abundance.